Identify and explain the joints and muscles (lower body)and movements involved in cycling. Focus on the power phase and the recovery phase.
identify and explain the muscles and joints (upper body) and movements involved in swimming. Focus on the power phase and the recovery phase.
After improving the muscle size and strength, one will be able to produce power. If one skips the first two phases(hypertrophy and strength) and go right to the power phase, one may see some short term improvements, but you will lose those gains rather quickly because you are only training the nervous system, and not improving all areas which are important for jumping. Training in the power phase should consist of low volume (3-6 sets of 2-5 repetitions) with lots of rest. These exercises should be performed with a maximum effort and maximum loads as quickly as possible.
Recovery phase is the fourth phase of disaster and is the restoration of all aspects of the disaster's impact on a community and the return of the local economy to some sense of normalcy. By this time, the impacted region has achieved a degree of physical, environmental, economic and social stability.
Deltoids, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, triceps and biceps muscles.
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