Answer to Question #249926 in Calculus for asd

Question #249926

General Application of Derivatives. Draw the necessary figure and indicate the dimension given.

  1. A triangular corner lot has perpendicular sides of lengths 120 m and 160 m. Find the area of the largest rectangular building that can be constructed on a lot with sides parallel to the streets.
Expert's answer

Let x be the length of a rectangle parallel to the 160 m side

    y be the height of a rectangle parallel to the 120 m side.

As we noticed, If the rectangular building was placed in a triangular lot, we can have 3 similar triangles. The given triangle and the 2 triangles on both sides. A similar triangle has the following ratio:

"\\begin{aligned}\n&\\frac{y}{160 m-x}=\\frac{120 m}{160 m}=\\frac{3 m}{4 m} \\\\\n\\Rightarrow &\\frac{y}{160 m-x}=\\frac{3 m}{4 m} \\\\\n\\Rightarrow &4 y=3(160 m-x) \\\\\n\\Rightarrow&4 y=480 m-3 x \\\\\n\\Rightarrow&y=120 m-\\frac{3 m x}{4 m}\n\\end{aligned}"

Since A = xy 

"Then, \\quad A=x\\left(120-\\frac{3 x}{4}\\right) \\\\\n \n=120 x-\\frac{3 x^{2}}{4}\\\\\n \nGet \\ the \\ maximum \\ value \\ of \\ A \\\\\n \n\\frac{dA}{ d x}=120-\\frac{3 x}{2}=0\\\\\n \n\n \n\\begin{aligned}\n&120-\\frac{3 x}{2}=0 \\\\\n\\Rightarrow&\\frac{3 x}{2}=120 \\\\\n&x=80\n\\end{aligned}\\\\\n \nFrom \\ y=120-\\frac{3 x}{4} , substitute \\ the \\ value \\ of \\ \\mathrm{x} .\\\\\n \n\\begin{aligned}\n&y=120-\\frac{3(80)}{4} \\\\\n&y=120-60 \\\\\n&y=60\n\\end{aligned}\\\\\n \nSince \\ x=80 \\ and \\ y=60"

Therefore the dimension of the largest rectangular building that can be constructed on the triangular lot with the side parallel to the street is 80m by 60m.

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