& The Marine Biome is the largest Biome on Earth, it covers over 71% of the Earth’s Surface. The Oceans are responsible for the majority of Oxygen in the Atmosphere and for the intake and processing of Carbon Dioxide, the gas which is the major issue cause of Global Warming. Life as we know it is only possible due to the presence of Oceans.
Each biome is the subdivided into smaller biomes or ecosystems, Each biome has an effect and influences the other biomes. The sum of all biomes can be considered a living organism, planet Earth. If one of the biomes sickens the consequences will be devastating for other biomes, this is specially so in the Marine or Oceanic Ocean. If a misbalance is caused in many or even in one of the species of an ecosystem, this will “damage” the entire Biome, if& a Biome is “damaged” all Biomes will be affected.
Oceanography is the study of the Marine Biome the largest Biome on the planet. Constituted by the Antarctic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean, plus smaller Bays and Gulfs, the marine biome provides 80 percent of all the earth’s habitats, from the 36,200 feet deep Mariana Trench, which is deeper than the height of
Mt. Everest, to the coasts, Water is essential for life on land and in the sea. The water of the oceans is constantly being recycled, as the sun heats the sea water it evaporates back into the atmosphere to form clouds. Clouds are then driven around the world by the global winds, and when the conditions are right the water in the clouds condenses and falls to Earth as rain, snow or hail. This process of rain-falling is essential to nourish life on earth. This is the hydrological process. The oceans water also affect global temperatures as water collects heat from the sun.
The Oceans are used as the World’s unsustainable fishing resource and as the World's Backdoor trash and toxic waste dumping. This has been taking place since the beginning of the Industrialization Era. Most associate Oil spills with the bigger concern regarding Ocean’s Health, although Oil spills are potentially devastating, every day industries dump toxic residues such as mercury that enter the food chains and eventually poison all organisms even humans which feed upon them, or trash such as plastics that take thousands
of years to disintegrate.
The oceans currents affect all the coastal areas and all the World Wide Weather. Many things are not known about the oceans, experts in the field say that the winds match the temperatures. It is inaccurate to state that climate affects the Oceans, as Oceans are responsible for major climate factors, however abiotic factors do affect the Marine Biome.
& A mass of water that covers over 71 % of the Earth has the most significant effect on life on earth, or what is so called the Biosphere, where all life dwells.
Once underwater, reaching the floors of the oceans or what scientists, Marine Biologists and other experts agreed to call the Oceanic Crust we find another important element. The Oceanic Crust is the thin layer of solidified volcanic basalt that covers the Earth's mantle where there are no continents.
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