breifly describe the role of the following, in no more than 40 words each:
a. fair work ombudsman.
b. australian human rights commission.
c. WHS management system.
1. The purpose of fair work ombudsman include: offering people accurate and time information about Australia’s workplace relations systems, educating people working in Australia about fair work practices, rights and obligations and investigating complaints or suspected contraventions of workplace laws, awards and agreements.
2. The Australian Human Rights Commission is largely focused on ensuring that Australia and Australians adhere to the world made new as expressed in the body of international treaties to which Australia has committed. It seeks to investigate complaints about discrimination and human rights breaches and promote human rights education in Australian schools and other formal education settings.
3. The WHS management system is a set of policies, procedures and plans that systematically manages health and safety at work and can help to minimize the risk of injury and illness from workplace operations.
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