Databases depend on specific needs of the organisation and every role requires a unique database for example grants received and expenditure require two different databases.Moreover,making a database require programs whose functionality depends on special software which makes databases expensive to install and maintain.
b)Additional costs
Installing a database requires further training for the employees which inflates its cost.
c)damage of a single part of the database affects all other segments that rely on it
a)Easy access and security
Information in the database can easily be accessed through typing a query and results pop up immediately as compared to cabinet files.Additionally, features such as data encryption can be used to prevent interception of information.
b)Easy storage
Once a database is configured storage can be automated
c)Prevents multiple storage
In a central database one piece of information is not likely to be erroneously stored more than once as opposed to filing system where same information presented at different time intervals may be stored repetitively
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