16. Which one of the following has the largest storage capacity
A. 600 MB compact disc.
B. 2 TB hard drive.
C. 32 GB flash drive.
D. 100 KB folder.
17. Which one of the following action will return items from a recycle bin to their original location?
A. Rename all
B. Delete all
C. Empty the recycle bin
D. Stored all
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10.06.20, 10:26
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09.06.20, 08:55
Please try to be fast when working out the answers for the
assignments,just to boost up your professionality
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Dear DANIEL, to receive your answers timely, please submit the questions here https://www.assignmentexpert.com/submit and the task will be completed within your deadline.
Please try to be fast when working out the answers for the assignments,just to boost up your professionality
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