The purpose of policies is to create uniform standards without setting hard and fast rules. Policies
aim to give direction to future activities.
Name the four levels of policies and explain each level briefly
Policy denotes the course of action chosen to act as a guide towards specific business goals or objectives. Policies act as a link between day to day activities and the vision of an organization. Through policies, key activities are identified and a strategy is determined to guide day to day activities. There are four levels of policies; political level policy, executive level policy, administrative level policy and technical level policy. Political level policies are policies which are developed by political parties and implemented by government structures (Jane E.,2019). Executive level policy refers to a policy that is developed by specific office holders, such as cabinet ministers, or institutions. Administrative level policy refers to the form in which policy officials transform the will of the government into practicality and lays ground for executive policies. Technical level policy refers to the day to day decisions which are made personnel to help implement administrative policies.
Jane E. (2019). Introduction to Policies and Procedures. doi:10.4324/2914421029170-1
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